Sunday, November 11, 2018

Thoughts From Hobbit ?

Jesus Changes us personally and culturally, when invited to participate in our processes. Lion of Judah! Savior and Ruler of all! When I look at Tolkien’s observations of our culture and our racial culture, which I call Eurocentric Christianity: it seems he has a maternal sense of the ailments of our time and perspectives. We missed this and that truth in scripture. We emphasize this truth to the complete ambiguity of all the other commands of God. where is the rounding of our infected perspective that will truly help us to progress.

He said we keep reaching lower and lower into the mire of muck to create new concepts in Christendom. We come up with freaks of scientific expressions of humanity that have very little resemblance to humanity in their behaviors. They have a warfare to fight and we if we would keep our souls in tact, must war against those creations of our own hands and wrestle them into compliance to Christ. This is true of the Sons of Ham as much as the Sons of Japheth. But we haven’t studied our pagan tendencies and our Christian consistencies. We seem to think in Ham that if we are children of the slaves our souls are “in Tact” {Young Gifted and Black). We must fight the good fight in our education as well as those for whom the bells toll{tongue in cheek}.

God lends mothers who are devoted and praying a discerning eye and ear and God lends to teachers who are discerning and praying a hand at living our culture and raising our culture to a greater level of conformity to Christ. It is not just about what we do in Church to worship God. It is about our labors whether they are wood, hay or stubble and whether our trust is truly in Christ or is it in our cultural perspective about Christ.

I love the Jonah Movie Veggietales, but I find the imbalance of our perspective expressed. Are all Blacks angels in the belly of the whale, singing our culture to Glory? I don’t think so. I think that God is trying us with one issue of our culture especially. If you cannot spend yourself as people have spent themselves for the sake of slavery on that issue of killing the unborn, perhaps you’ll not get a second chance for your soul or for your culture. IS there always a second chance? God give grace and mercy, but surely He has lines of demarkation that we mustn’t cross. When we stand and defend the killing of the unborns we are standing against Him.

“Those who hate Him love death” Give us Grace Dear Lord, to steer our society from the precipice of death and give us a guidance toward life. Amen

Monday, August 27, 2018

First Day of Sophomore year...conversations

I do hate having my conversation overshadowed by others with my children. It happens everyday. Nobody really listens to mom. So I am usually a fly on the wall as the menfolk pontificate about their considerations. I do love that part of my job.

This morning was no different, there was a topic placed on the table and the gentlemen yacked about it. Ezra said, what kind of fellow would you be, if you were saved as a child, to Enoch. I thought I knew what he was asking. I thought I could have rephrased the question for brevity's sake. They threw that out as unnecessary. The Charles Walker in them all, completely disregarded any invasion of female thought into the conversation and chewed, as if on a bone the question on the table.

I have learned to respect the consideration process of the Walker Family, even though the mother's contribution to the conversation is always completely disregarded as valid to the point. They chew, and banter back and forth with words and thoughts and no real answer, seems to come out of the conversation. Their whole conversation seems to say, "I respect you and your thought process, big brother. I hope you know that!" I love seeing how men tell eachother those kinds of things. I love how little brothers say I love you to their elder brothers, without kissing and hugging them. This was a morning of a verbal hug.

Ezra seemed to be saying I am filling my mind with your character to share where I am able, whether in writing or just as an example in a conversation. My treasure chest is filled with the present and now I am trying to put the pieces together that made you the man that you are. Would you give me a few more details? The details of who my brother is is important to me.

When I read EB White's family remembrances, it gave me a cultural expression of the spiritual battle and how important family is to the spiritual battle in every era. I hope you get to write your story of your family remembrances. It is a wonderful mantle to enjoy.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Small Mercies, Little Thrills!

What a great time we had going out to the computer store.  It was very interesting how you found a great youthful thrill in going up that incline in the car on Mooresville Rd.  It made me reminisce about my times in the car as a young person and how very rarely it was just mom and dad and me.  We had group thrills going up inclines with everybody bouncing around in their seats, minus the seat belts of today.  The wonderful thrill of watching my brothers' eyes dilate when we went under the trestle and the bounce when we hit a pothole on the way to Grandma's house or the subway to drop off dad to go to work.  I am so grateful that you let us into your excitement and sweet thrills of riding and computer stuff. It is not easy to share those kinds of things with "the parents".  I am glad that you do.

I will always remember the miraculous monitor that was at the end of that roller coaster ride to the computer shop.  I hope that you will too!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Semper Eadem!

always the same...
You are back from the far country of NY. Headed into the tunnel of Sophomore year in HS. It is amazing that each of the children that have followed me into that tunnel that I have watched have exhibited the same symptoms. Sophomoric thinking is a tunnel to traverse, but not a destination to inhabit. We must think sophomoricly to get to wisdom. Me, myself and I are the center of sophomoric thinking and they are where we think from. Our own selves is the center of our mind. What does this have to do with me? Where am I going to use this? Why do I have to do this? These are the questions of the sophomore and they must begin your investigation of life. You must investigate life and this must begin with questions, but the importance of categorizing questions into valid and invalid questions is an important quality that some scholastic endeavors might rob from you. I see this often. They say there are no stupid questions and there are no questions that are not worth asking. That is a lie! If you begin with the premise of there is no God, you have every possibility of entering a tunnel of unbelief that you might not live long enough to get back from. That stupid question of is God relevent is not only invalid, it is terminal to your body and to your soul. Don't let them feed you that stupidity. Keep the questions of your sophomorism and categorize them as you go on your quest for knowledge. Stay hungry and don't let people stifle your hunger for the knowledge and the part of the puzzle of Life that God has you on the earth to solve. Don't stay a sophomore! Go into the tunnel take out those diamonds and come out a better man and follow God who has never been a sophomore and is
Always the Same.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

How did you eek out a 79 in math?

I am sooooooo pleased that you worked so hard to pick up that grade. Even though you lowered your Social Studies grade to do so. I can't believe you passed that course. I was on the end of my seat for the whole semester, as I watched that grade jump from low to lower. I am glad that I didn't over react, until it was all over. I think this is just the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Math! Maybe? Hooray for Ezzzy!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why I should wake up and pay attention at church!

The Lord's Day Sabbath

Helpful reminders to pay attention to Gods Word during the worship service.
1- I should pay attention because someone has prepared a Word from God to feed my soul
2-I should pay attention because one day I will have to account to God for His Word to me, Sunday by Sunday.
3 I should pay attention because God is paying attention to me, He is almighty...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Think about thinking

Dear Ezra,

This is a thought about telling you how I think.  I have spent much time telling you how to think and not how I think.  In my observations, children know far more about how their parents think than their parents do.  I am sure this is true of you, so just consider it me telling you how I would like for you to think that I think and not how I really think because you have 5 interpreters of how I think and you probably think that you know more about how I think than any of them. if that is true, this will be a surprise to you.

I think about you every day and I often wish that we could have a conversation about the birds and the cow, like we used to do. But, Hihschool is a whirlwind time and I am aware that you have far more important things to think about than bird and cows.  Square roots and Pythagorus are far more engaging, along with other parts of nature which are noticeable to you, now.

When you were 4 and 6 I read to you and you read to me.  I wrote a lot about what I was doing and fully intended to combine the stories one of these days. Time has swept much of my writing into the trash, for busyness. You have so much of my personality that we can talk about any subject and hardly argue about it.{except for the purpose of memorizing square roots, before you know what they are.}. We may never agree on that.

I had thought that if I could give you the best gift I had, it would be to bundle up all I had learned as much as I could and deliver it to you in a form that you could never forget.

I might not have been fully successful in my endeavor, but you remember the roots.  That is one thing.  You also remember your holy providence wise and matrimony which has become a joke.

 Thinking and memory are very important but very delicate things.  If you don't exercise them, they will deteriorate and you won't be able to remember much at all.  Try not to waste your memory on the insignificant, like just one word repetitions.  Expand your mind to include rhyme and prose, fiction and nonfiction and science and math.  You know what I think about those video games.  I call them mind syphons.  You cannot find your mind, if you lose it.  It is a muscle.

Let's find some way to engage one another in some competitive memorizing, so our minds won't get old...

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

My God is Good!

He expects us to imitate Him in excellence in the things that we do as well!
The finals of the Aussie was just such an example to me. Men scaling the walls of human impotence to grasp an unattainable moment of excellence in bodily acumen. Mind and body syncapating to continue through a fortnight of grueling heat and competition.

I love the mens' final and the male motivations that are shown in the finals. Like male lions, they use their roaring serves to intimidate and hope to find some hole of inability and emotional submission from the opponent so that they can pounce upon it. And pounce they do, just to find themselves the pounced upon here or there throughout the grueling 5 sets, should they find themselves that fortunate to have elongated the pleasure and the pain that long

In the first set, "The Fed" was all over it. He served up the ultimate indignity, by successfully dropshotting from a serve! This is a humiliation that must be repaid, in tennis terms. Cilic took the entire rest of the set to recoup from such a disrespectful expression. He found his "a" game about the second game of the second set and began to really serve, his better self. Time and again he hit corners that seemed impossible shots, only to find his retribution from his opponent to be seemingly effortless and reflexive.

He is not the "King of the Courts" because he accidentally hits this or that shot. He is not vaunting himself without reason. He says to his opponents, if you want this prize, you will have to earn it decisively. I will not give it to you. He uses the adversity of the other guys' winners to prod him to another level of play. This is a wonderful expression of how God expects us to jump and hold our heads upright in imitation of Him.

This world is not our home and these crowns are not our crown. But how much more is excellence required in the things that we are called to do.
Swiftly, after the conquest of the first set, these men fell from their lionlike vaunt into a snake squabble. It wasn't pretty for a good while, as the mighty men traded venomous strikes here and there on the line and threading invisible needles in the air. Their tremendous prowess in doing these things were clouded by the rapidity that they traded these amazing shots. Had there been a sword in their hands, the blood would have been flowing all over the place. The showmanship was amazing, but the swiftly traded shots were hard to follow. We should have a slowmotion camera playback on each one to truly appreciate the skill it took to make those shots. They made it look easy and that was the sad part of it. They are both amazing athletes and skillful swashbucklers and the second set made me wish for more of the lion that I saw in the first set.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Second Semester of Freshman Year Begins!

Where are my gym shorts? I found them for you. I hope you grow to a strong and fit fellow!

"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten