Saturday, February 28, 2009

My baby has a fever.

What is a mother to do, when her baby is so self sufficient? He is such a brave boy when it comes to this messy stuff. I feel inept and inadequate when the children get to the point where their needs are not pressing constantly. I can do other things, but, my sense is that now that they don't need me, what should I do?
There are always messes to pick up and laundry to do, but in terms of human relations, the transition from a mother of infants to a mother of adults is scary.
It will be years before you are a grown up, just know that mommy wants to be there to nurture and comfort you, but there is always some other responsibility looming.
Feel better!
A man's got to do, what a man's got to do! You seem to already know that.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daddy said to give you a kiss this morning...

Thank you for the little kiss, from my pajama boy. Before he was even dressed, he was obeying his father and downstairs to kiss his mom and then get ready for another day of kindergarten. Cream of wheat for breakfast and a big smile on his face, makes me glad to see the sun this morning. The sunrise which God designed this morning is not more beautiful to me than the smile on his little face. I am so glad that he is here to make the world shine, like he does.
God is good to spare me another day to see his sunshiney face. Naughty and precocious, sometimes, and still his face lights up the reality of the drudgery. They all delight my soul, I am just sad that my strength is so small, not to be able to tango with all of their minds and stuff them full of the knowledge that is going to be necessary in this world and beyond. They don't know, that they don't know and they are in a world which is preparing them for "the test" and not for the life. Help me Lord not to be bitter.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wake up, your sister is shining!

It is so hard to watch the older sisters and brothers do what they do. They are busy getting the awards and learning and growing and kindergarten seems to pale into insignificance. It is not insignificant. It is special and real. Wake up and watch the awards ceremony, honey!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Fruit of the Spirit is...

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF CONTROL. My precious boy is doing right, in school and I am grateful to God that it has been rewarded. He won the certificate for Self control. HALLELIUA, TO GOD! He is the one who gives self control. Confusion belongs to us, but Self control is a fruit of the spirit. I pray that it is in his soul by grace, through faith and not just with eye service;)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Is today the 100th day of school already?

I don't think we remembered in time. 100 days a kindergartener is quite an accomplishment. He is reading and writing and getting into the family jokes. He is reasoning with the brothers and sisters on the level of his mental ability and it is very interesting the things that strike my fellow's fancy. Today it was the issue of cheating. It seems that the older children have been accusing him of cheating in races and that must be an issue in school of late, because this morning Ethan cheated when he jumped over a step on the way down to the breakfast table. I just accepted it and corrected Ethan, for Ezra's sake, not to jump over the steps to get to the breakfast table. I can see the safety issue in school, having to have led a number of kindergartners up and down steps in safety is a large task. So we will have that new rule for Ezra on the 100th day of school. I did tell him that there are times when time is of the essence and jumping the stairs may be good, but for now, safety rules because you're in kindergarten.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Don't forget that snack day is 2/9 and

did we forget crazy hat day? uh,oh!

"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten