Saturday, April 4, 2015

Who loves you, baby? We love you Ezra!

Good Friday was a special celebration of family growth and ministry. How we affect and infect each other to the glory is the fruit of the grace of God and the mercy of God that has been started in Christ and nurtured by many ministries and churches that have instructed us of the duties of parents and families to and with one another.

I hope you would read Duties of Parents and Christian Living in the Home and Shepherding a Child's Heart, whenever you grow weary and long for the riches of Christian Family as you grow older and life seems not to be the same. Keep striving and nurturing and reaching for what God has placed in your heart as a yearning for the unity of Christian Family. It looks automatic to you, I know. But, it is not. It is deliberate and it is agonized for, in prayer and in effort.

It took effort for your father to take his time to instruct us in the Word of God. It took effort for me to cook and make a meal for our enjoyment. It took grace and mercy for God to respect our efforts and be among us to make the Word of God effectual for our profit and growth. You look at it, like this is just what happens. Pray that God would sustain and grow your yearnings for a Christian Home to another level of God's Glory. It is only that we yearn for God's glory that He would honor us to continue and bless us to minister to each other and others for Him. Let that light and that expectation guide and direct your ambitions for your future. God is faithful!

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"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten