Sunday, August 27, 2023

As we continue the College Quest!!!

 What are we learning in this world of higher education?  Is it against the will of God to use the means at hand to progress and to engage our culture, for our profit and for our usefulness in the world in which we live?  Does God want me to engage the world with the grace of God or retreat and hide from fear of the seepage of it’s indelible ink on my soul?

God is greater and can handle me in my engagement with the culture.  I believe that there is nowhere that I can go that is apart from his ability to rescue me from others or from myself.  Pastor preached against the leaven of sin in the believer’s life.  What defiles us, truly keeps us from deeper intimacy with Christ.  Asking God to keep us from the ungodliness of our culture is truly a Danielic task.  Other cultures seem to take their religion so much more seriously than we do.  They have outward adornments and they have feasts and things that everyone has to accommodate and we feel very diminished, because for the most part, Christianity has built our economy around our feasts and life.  It doesn’t seem special in comparison.   

It is, though and it doesn’t make our religion less special because we have built our lives around it.  Christmas, Sundays, Easter, etc., are beautiful and beautifying experiences that draw us into a deeper relationship with the very one who made and sustains the world! Hallelujah!  We needn’t make ourselves obnoxious and notorious for not engaging or interacting with the godlessness of the idolatrous around us.  Our God is in control,  the gods of the nations are the distraction of this world.  The idolatry of worldliness is offensive and stinky, but we know that God is greater.   

Who do we serve?  Why are we learning in an ungodly environment?  Can I stand, with all of these temptations and differences rubbing shoulders with me?

I most certainly can!  God is greater and he empowers me to do all things for his glory!  I can learn and represent Christ even in the midst of  an ungodly university around me.  I mustn’t get disappointed, when those who represent religion show no mercy for the torrents of sin that attack.  They shoot us by ridicule for choosing to represent Christ in an uncomfortable position,ie, sports, and arts and other unusual circumstances.   A man in the sports arena, is never assumed to be a heathen, but a woman, no question, she is a heathen.  That isn’t true.   We love Him because he first loved us and he will love us through this difficulty as well!

Lord, I trust you with my soul!  Lord, I trust you with my mind!  College is no match for your omnipotence and so I engage the world in which we live, with a victorious and expectant attitude for you to glorify yourself in my experiences.  For the Glory of Christ Jesus and for the betterment of his church in our age! Amen

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"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


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