This morning was no different, there was a topic placed on the table and the gentlemen yacked about it. Ezra said, what kind of fellow would you be, if you were saved as a child, to Enoch. I thought I knew what he was asking. I thought I could have rephrased the question for brevity's sake. They threw that out as unnecessary. The Charles Walker in them all, completely disregarded any invasion of female thought into the conversation and chewed, as if on a bone the question on the table.
I have learned to respect the consideration process of the Walker Family, even though the mother's contribution to the conversation is always completely disregarded as valid to the point. They chew, and banter back and forth with words and thoughts and no real answer, seems to come out of the conversation. Their whole conversation seems to say, "I respect you and your thought process, big brother. I hope you know that!" I love seeing how men tell eachother those kinds of things. I love how little brothers say I love you to their elder brothers, without kissing and hugging them. This was a morning of a verbal hug.Ezra seemed to be saying I am filling my mind with your character to share where I am able, whether in writing or just as an example in a conversation. My treasure chest is filled with the present and now I am trying to put the pieces together that made you the man that you are. Would you give me a few more details? The details of who my brother is is important to me.
When I read EB White's family remembrances, it gave me a cultural expression of the spiritual battle and how important family is to the spiritual battle in every era. I hope you get to write your story of your family remembrances. It is a wonderful mantle to enjoy.