Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was 5 when I stopped sucking my two fingers.

A little old to still be a finger sucker, but I must confess that I was still sucking my fingers, to the ripe old age of 5.
It was a personal determination of mine and probably my first New Years resolution to stop sucking them. Everybody took it upon themselves to give me tips on how to stop. Aunts and Uncles and cousins had suggestions, although most of them were still in the habit themselves. Finally, somebody said that I would have buck teeth forever and that was it! I would not suck them another day. I put my hand under my pillow and I still keep it under there to this day. Afraid that I will backslide into the horrible habit.
Other habits, I haven't been so successful in kicking. You are the only one of my children Ezra, who never indulged in that bad finger sucking habit.

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"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten