Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gooby globs of sweetened sugar,

sticking to our teeth. House to house we darted or limped together. Is it scary? Is it fun? Were you a werewolf, howling at the moon? The moon went trick or treating too, and Evvy. This is my first time too, she said. She wouldn't have missed it, even though the candy was too much for her. Lights and smoke and bubbles and scenery, only Christmas is more spectacular around here. The beauty and the gore, of even the gory and the dark side, is not to forget that God gives us all things richly to enjoy.
The fun of hugging and seeing neighbors and friends in close proximity to one another, is a beautiful thing. Here we see and feel the beauty of people living in one nation and in one community, under God.

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"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten