Friday, November 21, 2008

Ezra came home an Indian and a Pilgrim today.

Thanksgiving marks the time that we celebrate the 2 sets of people who learned to share provisions and help in this land we call America. The elements of the earth are no match for any of us without the tools to survive the frost and the heat. Food and clothing and shelter must have been difficult to forge in the wilderness of the life they called the new World. Without teamwork none of them would have survived. Ezra came home in a cute little costume and with a heart so full that he wrote me my very first invitation from him.

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"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten