Sunday, December 31, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What a Powerful Actor, you were last night!

I am grateful that I was able to get to see your debut in the play. I am not sure that you will pursue the arts, in that way. You are a handsome fellow and you were very capable at projection and reality in your presentation. I am pleased that you turned all the way around so that I could see your face at the end part. Your interjections were clear and well directed, also timely. No real pauses were in the presentation. It was well done.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

God bless the bus drivers and the school teachers who are on point everyday!

Even when the bus is late, as it was today; we are grateful participants of the community of education and being educated.

Friday, September 22, 2017

What a wonderful birthday surprise from Grandma Bodden and sister!!!$$$$$$$$count your blessings!

a picture magnet and money from her and from Grandma!!! What a rich fellow you are!

Learning to wake yourself up?

Mother, I get up at 5, you said at 5:30 this morning... I am not responsible for that. You are. You were behind schedule 2 days in a row. Expecting your mother to carry you from your bed to your shower, etc. Making lunch and leaving it behind, you caught the bus, by the skin of your teeth. This is not good. You have an alarm. You have a very distinctive alarm, which is waking all the other members of the family up, but not you. Over the weekend, we must practice the wake up call. You should be playing taps for everyone else, whose schedule is later in the day.

You can do this, my good young man. Learn from the mistakes this week and turn it around to get out of the house at a responsible timely manner.

And, don't forget your lunch!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

THE NERVE OF YOU! Freshman Impetuosity? Or a personal bent to jump in first?

I am starting to see a trend, I think. This, nearly fourteen years of mothering you, Ezra: has afforded me the privilege of seeing that you jump in and then ask what the composition of what you are jumping into is. NOT GOOD!

Fourteen years ago, it was birth. Forget about waiting for your lungs to be fully developed or your spine fully strong, it was time to be born, when you said so...a month ahead of schedule. Freshman open house- it was time to go to meet the teachers on your time-table. This morning, in the pitch black early rainy morning 6:30am, you ran headlong, nearly into the traffic of the main street to catch a bus that was nearly out in the traffic of route 73!


I could yell till I am blue in the face about waiting and watching both ways and knowing that there is always somebody here to take you to school another way and you would still run out there, "halfcocked"! NOT GOOD! I will need to compose a homeschool camp to help you see safety as more important than getting there, even if on time. I know you have been instructed about bus safety. Those rules don't change in High School, son! You still have to wait for the bus driver to see you, before you board the bus. Don't ever, ever run behind a bus like that!
You will be a car rider one way or another, if this behavior is continued! NO LIE!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Have a great time, baby!

12:20am - On my way to New York I have seen a cool hotel thing with red lines pointing upwards

12:22am - I had thought I was ready for everything but it turns out I am not. Most of my gadgetry was in my back pack and we had to put my B.P. on a rack. Woe is me. Maybe I will try to get it when we stop somewhere for a spell.

7:23am - we went on a bridge over an ocean (I think)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

You forgot to tell me to put my skates on, entering the bathroom after you.

I could scream! I could say other things. I nearly fell. Would it hurt you to dry your body, after a shower? I think that is mean to your mother and not just forgetfulness. I will discuss it with you tomorrow, but first, I must get my composure. I know that it is because you are usually after me in the bathroom. How that bathroom got so wet, I will never know? You had no bucket. But I thought I should have carried my chemicals and my mop, up with me to my bath, I couldn't have predicted it. I know that the others in the family realize this about you and jump on you with both feet. I don't think that is the right way to handle an oversight like this. After I picked my imagination off of the floor, almost, I said to myself, "Who could have done this to me and why?" My father would have yelled sabotage and we all would have heard him, even from his grave{it seemed}. I have all too much of his disposition to start yelling sordid interjections into the air, in my fury. OH dear, I feel better, now that I realize that no bones were broken, in my imagination of falling and splattering all over the floor.
Try to remember, if you have to go to the toidy after a shower, dry the floor.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Sweet Frog and a party at the park Volleyball!

The after party for graduation was at the park.  We had a rigorous game of volleyball.  We realized we have to spend the summer getting Ezzy a Volleyball serve!  LOL.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Here comes that stubborn tooth!

We have been waiting and wondering if that eye tooth would ever come in. It came out nicely, not like some of the bottom teeth which wanted to stay in there forever. Both the baby teeth and the adult teeth seemed to want to stay in your mouth together. I had seen a similarity with the many Walker men that I had the privilege to guide through teeth and tooth fairy occurrences. My two elder boys and little Danny and stories of teeth that refused to come out and come in, were rampant. I had come up with my own philosophy of Walker correlations with their stubborn teeth. I had seen deep spiritual meaning in the holding of baby teeth long into adulthood, etc., etc.,etc. Then you come breaking all of the molds of my philosophies. You were so much Walker man and so much me and my father, that I couldn't figure it out at all. Now, I am at the drawing board about the next to the last Grandchild and older mothers and How God puts the mirror to your deepest parts using your teeth and mothers teeth and where the secret of life lies. In your Eye Teeth! Again, Go Figure!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Serious Headache, laid you out!

What a resourceful young man you are to work so hard as you did. I really don't believe there is any relationship between your headache and your hard work. It has been a long time since you have come into my bed to sleep. Last night it wasn't a toddler falling into my bed, it was a young man. I hope you feel better! I woke in the middle of the night and you were gone. Dad must have moved you. Headache gone?

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Today there was an article about the use of Andy Weir's book, the Martian.

In the New York Times Book Review
Expletives notwithstanding, they are saying that this is a book that could be a problem with its combination of good and evil that are mixed. We have to be able to decipher the usefulness of tools that are set before us. Words are good and words can be evil, also.
I expect that this is just the beginning of books that will challenge our convictions of uses of wicked words and exposure to these things.  Children shouldn't be exposed to these things,
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  Learn how to use good and encouraging words and it will go a long way to influence the world that you are inheriting.   Are expletives as damaging as slander?  Words are damaging. Words are healing.  Use them rightly!

"Don't plant butterflies!"

"Don't plant butterflies!"
Ezra At School 2008

Bear books I'm fond of

  • Winnie the Pooh, Corduroy, Paddington Bear, The Francis series.


First Day of Kindergarten