It hurts me to watch your little hand turn red from a spank on it, in the morning. It makes me weak, like little else. I never really felt weak spanking anybody{certainly not my siblings} and my elder children. The Bible says don't let your soul spare for his crying. What is the lesson? I must ask myself as my mind is older and sometimes forgets to teach the lesson that the spanking is used to convey. Oh right, Don't think that you have reign over the computer of the house, you are under authority. Don't put technology before the going to school routine. Don't forget to brush your teeth and do the other necessities before going to school and the computer will distract you from these important priorities.
God has allowed us to have these modern conveniences and we must use them as under His authority and not under our own auspices.
I imagine the awe of the disciples when the rich young ruler was loved and allowed to go from Jesus. Who then can be saved? He seemed to want to do his alms and set his life under the authority of God and said that he had done this from his youth. Jesus showed us, this, self discipline is not enough to save us. If he isn't saved, thought the disciples, what is salvation? Only trusting Jesus, can these treasures of self-discipline be useful to the soul.
They may make you well liked in your social sphere and they are mommy's priorities and hopefully, erelong, they will lead you to love the Jesus that we are trying to show you, is Life Eternal!